It was clear from this meeting that the growing science and art of rhinologic surgery is now occupying a position in our specialty which used to be held by otology. However, we had a good balance of all aspects of our specialty with wonderful papers and discussions.
Thanks are due to all those delegates who participated in the academic program. This year we had some interesting and valuable lessons in medical history. Doctor Andrew Swift’s presentations need to be singled out for their excellence and appropriateness. A special tribute is offered to Professor Andreas Leunig from Munich. Andreas has attended every Upover Downunder Meeting . He is the backbone of our faculty. His presentations like his photography and his skiing and his surgery, are all of the highest order. Thank you, Andreas, for making these meetings successful.
Academic Prize
The Academic Committee awarded the prize for the best paper to Dr Mariel Osetinsky. The title of Mariel’s paper was “Ear Trauma”. Mariel has covered every aspect of trauma to the ear and her paper reflected the instructed book chapter of which she has been an author. Her father, Dr Greg Osetinsky, has been a valuable contributor to this meeting for many years and has covered many topics.
Each year I look forward to his presentation. It is not surprising then, that Mariel has inherited her father’s good looks and her mother, Julie’s intelligence and articulation. Mariel is to be congratulated for the excellence of her presentation.

Tours of Venice, Padua, San Servolo Asylum Museum and Padua University
Prior to our Meeting, Kate, Dr Paul Allison’s daughter, organized these tours of these notable places in Venice. The tours were an enormous success and I wish to thank Kate for the great effort she made in providing us with such a wonderful education of the history of this area.

Special Medals
Special medals for loyalty and attendance at this meeting were awarded to the following persons who have barely missed a meeting. They were:
- Professor Andreas Leunig
- Professor Theo Gregor
- Dr Chris Perry and Kathy Perry
- Dr David Booker
- Dr David McGahey
These folk are the nucleus of this meeting and their loyal attendance is greatly appreciated.
Trophy Awards
As we have been unable to have a ski race for various reasons this year, these trophies are awarded on the observations of Mario Longitano and his worthy guides.
- The top award for the Fastest Male Skier was awarded to Douglas Keay. Douglas will be very pleased with this award as it will put Scotland at the top of the list.
- The Fastest Female Skier is Susie Dory who practices daily on the Channel Islands and is well rewarded for her efforts.
- The Best Male Snow Boarder Award goes to Par Sjarne. Par wins this award every year. People are in great admiration for his skills and the silence that he brings to snowboarding. It has been suggested that only a double amputation would prevent him from taking this award.
- The Best Female Snow Boarder is Mandy Anne Aides. Mandy is precise, diligent and gives the impression of being a very fast lady.
- The Fastest Veteran Male Skier is David Marty. Perhaps this award should be the Bionic Award as David has had joint replacement surgery and puts them to the test every year. Good on you David!!
- The Fastest Veteran Female Skier is Mary Palance. Mary skis with style and speed. She is a hard lady to catch.
- The Most Improved Experienced Skier is Sharon Swift. Sharon has dazzled her competitors with her speed, style and winning attitude.
- The Best Bar Skier was a difficult choice. It was narrowed down to 12 persons. Eleven of these persons which to remain anonymous.
- The Gold Medal for Bar Skiing went to David McGahey. David has been a great support of this meeting and last year was the hero of the stuck cable car
Next Meeting
I wish to thank all those who returned the critique for the meeting. Some of the suggestions which came out of the critique is that we need a venue for the dinner where there is less noise so that speakers can be better heard. Another is that most attendees are interested in case presentations rather than straight lectures. This balance will be redressed for our next meeting.
The next meeting of the UPOVER DOWNUNDER Ski Group will be held in Canazei from January 19 – 26, 2019. I am hopeful of having more attractive registration fees for nurses and registrars and if our number keep on track, hopefully for all participants. I would urge all those who are able to plan ahead to take advantage of the Early Bird registration fees.
With best wishes,
Bill Coman

William B. Coman
Brisbane, Australia